

What if we totally clip down any kind of freedom to our kids with the fear of harm it might cause, with our good intentions abound as a distressed parent! Surely, they will have fewer mistakes. But with lesser mistakes will be lesser learning. Can we then discount one of the primary role of a parent to nurture the kid to become a self sustainable human being? So are we up for this bargain! I guess no as that would be rather more harmful for my child in long run.

When it comes to parenting, there’s no magic pill or easy way out. I always feel that parenting is like a job of an unpaid juggler. With practice and years into it, we succeed but then we cannot totally be failure-proof as we are dealing with lives involved.
For deeper purview, click on the given link for my article titled Let’s talk about Freedom on @ is an acclaimed blog on parenting and an initiative by leading Indian blog BlogAdda.
