To Love is to Live...

Month February 2016

A Relationship

A dainty bloomimpregnated with fondness,Nurtured by faith.Termites of mistrustcan devour it to death.Seldom words of expressionoffers bounty in validation.But in the end,All that tantamounts iseach act and every deedof thoughtfulness and dedication. An invisible thread;Fragile but iridescentMerging two absolute –though… Continue Reading →

Time to DoYourHomework

“Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.” As a caregiver, we attend to our child’s well being, safety and all rounded growth and development, no one can deny that the role of a nurturer does not end there…. Continue Reading →

For you to Notice.

Few years down, it was a small step with a true inspiring everyday short story ‘A tale of two Moms’ @; a story which you and I can relate with a universal theme of maternal bonding. Then came a verse… Continue Reading →

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