To Love is to Live...

Tag Female Foeticide

For you to Notice.

Few years down, it was a small step with a true inspiring everyday short story ‘A tale of two Moms’ @; a story which you and I can relate with a universal theme of maternal bonding. Then came a verse… Continue Reading →

What’s the point?

image These days are largely subjective; biting perceptions with a hint of melodrama here and there. These days we live with a clause(and claws too). Mostly these are the days when we rely more on tags and labels and bracketing,… Continue Reading →

What’s the point?

These days are largely subjective; biting perceptions with a hint of melodrama here and there. These days we live with a clause(and claws too). Mostly these are the days when we rely more on tags and labels and bracketing, when… Continue Reading →

Girl Unborn – The Monologue

 There are issues close to my heart and then some, closer and one out of them is – Female Foeticide. I know words are not enough, neither the measures yet. There were dialogues and deliberations… I present this poem in form… Continue Reading →

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